Demoscene - The logo art book

Posted by Papapower on lun. 20 janvier 2025

Demoscene - The logo art book

Happy new year ! We hope that you've all been spoiled by Santa this Christmas.

To my (happy) surprise, my elder son who always had interest in design and knows about my involvment in the scene in the 80s gifted me this beautiful book by Editions64k, a small French editor company located in Espelette in south west of France near Biarritz that is publishing quite gorgeous books that are demoscene related (Amiga pals, they have a lot for your viewing pleasure)

Editions 64k, The logo art book

The book is covering all main platforms, from 1983 to 2023, showcasing a lot of iconic cracktro and demo logos, along with some insider infos for some of the creations. It also comes with some nice goodies included in the box.

Editions 64k, The logo art book

Speaking of the box, the book came in a very well packed cardboard box (with protected corners), so it was in pristine condition and did not suffered from the mailmen havoc that is taking place in Christmas (I had a 4Kg box of filament rolls for my 3d printer dropped behind my fence onto the pavement by those guys...)

As the book was all shrinkwrapped, my son wasn't able to have a peek of the content beforehand, so there was a funny jaw-dropping moment when he spotted a Babygang logo by Cupid from our return demo for Transmission 2022 by the end of the book.

Editions 64k, The logo art book

The logo was inspired by the title font of adaptation of Isaac Asimov's Foundation for TV. We did get our hands on a font to try to whip up a logo but Cupid was kind enough to craft a real full one for us (thanks again, I'm still amazed by the amount of sceners always willing to help a bunch of slow old guys like us)

I don't have to mention that it also made everyone in the group very happy !

Go grab your copy now, what are you still doing here ?!