Articles by Papapower

Gridfinity C64 cartridges holder

Commodore 64 cartridges holder for gridfinity As 3D printers have finally reached a consumer friendly sweet spot and that I've also been...

Tool : The BYG Shell

BygShell, getting back to system development on C64 Look Ma, it's full of bugs OK I've been busy working on a small side-project shell...

Small X-2024 release : The BYG Dotz

Now that was quite an unexpected one... That's been a while... what the hell were we doing ? We've been working for quite a long time...


Hexagone - Babygang 1991 The "Hexagone" megademo is probably one of the well known demo from the Babygang, with a good combination of...

Babygang playlist

Babygang youtube playlist Thanks to El Gato, we now have a playlist on his youtube channel for all things Babygang. Enjoy !

2k intro : The BYG Bounce

So, Shine got me involved in a 2k intro for the CSDB compo... At first I was not that much willing to spend time on it as we are already...

Back ? On the C64 ? Why ?

Hum, why ? When I dug out my good old C64 and dusted it off I had to spend some time online getting my hands on working parts to have it...

Babygang Origins : the aliases

A Babygang origins series : members names Did you ever wondered how those funny names came from ? How all those people met in the first...

Back from the dead released

A small release for Gubbdata 2022 We made it, a new baby was released for your viewing pleasure at Gubbdata 2022 : "Back from the dead"...

How code was done back in the days

Or digging through unreleased code So Acidchild of Padua reached out to see if I kept all my all old floppies... yes I kept those !...

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