Demoscene - The logo art book

Demoscene - The logo art book Happy new year ! We hope that you've all been spoiled by Santa this Christmas. To my (happy) surprise, my...

Gridfinity C64 cartridges holder

Commodore 64 cartridges holder for gridfinity As 3D printers have finally reached a consumer friendly sweet spot and that I've also been...

Tool : The BYG Shell

BygShell, getting back to system development on C64 Look Ma, it's full of bugs OK I've been busy working on a small side-project shell...

Small X-2024 release : The BYG Dotz

Now that was quite an unexpected one... That's been a while... what the hell were we doing ? We've been working for quite a long time...


Hexagone - Babygang 1991 The "Hexagone" megademo is probably one of the well known demo from the Babygang, with a good combination of...

Babygang playlist

Babygang youtube playlist Thanks to El Gato, we now have a playlist on his youtube channel for all things Babygang. Enjoy !

2k intro : The BYG Bounce

So, Shine got me involved in a 2k intro for the CSDB compo... At first I was not that much willing to spend time on it as we are already...

Back ? On the C64 ? Why ?

Hum, why ? When I dug out my good old C64 and dusted it off I had to spend some time online getting my hands on working parts to have it...

Babygang Origins : the aliases

A Babygang origins series : members names Did you ever wondered how those funny names came from ? How all those people met in the first...

Back from the dead released

A small release for Gubbdata 2022 We made it, a new baby was released for your viewing pleasure at Gubbdata 2022 : "Back from the dead"...

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